Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, 400 pages, second edition (Paperback) 2012. Korean edition, Ecopia, Korea, 2010, 421 pages. (Revised and updated translation of Kasino-Kapitalismus).
The updated and revised English edition of Hans-Werner Sinn’s book Kasino-Kapitalismus: Wie es zur Finanzkrise kam, und was jetzt zu tun ist (Econ 2009; revised paperback edition Ullstein 2010) was published by Oxford University Press in August 2010. Hans-Werner Sinn explains how the financial system became a casino for gamblers and analyses the reasons for the crisis: the failings of the rating agencies, the regulating authorities and the banks. He points out the flaws in the economic rescue packages and presents a master plan for the reform of financial markets.
Casino Capitalism. How the Financial Crisis Came About and What Needs to be Done Now
by Hans-Werner Sinn
Oxford University Press, August 2010, 400 p., 37 fig. (Hardback)
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-958827-5, £25.00
Oxford University Press, August 2012, 400 p., 37 fig. (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-965988-3, £16,99
Order via www.amazon.de or www.hugendubel.de
- The world in crisis
- Life on credit
- Bank failures
- Why Wall Street became a gambling casino
- Main Street also gambled
- Hot potatoes
- Policy failure
- The extent of the damage
- Rescue attempts
- Will the West retain its stability?
- Ways to a better banking system
‘An important German economist has written a sharply perceptive, hardhitting book about the deep origins of the crisis in institutional and even cultural laxity. ... Read on