Das grüne Paradoxon - Plädoyer für eine illusionsfreie Klimapolitik (The Green Paradox – an Argument for Climate Policies Free of Illusions)

Grünes Paradoxon Cover
Hans-Werner Sinn

Econ: Berlin, 2008, 480 pages. Up to now two editions, third revised paperback edition: Ullstein: Berlin 2012.

Hans-Werner Sinn on the dramatic errors of environmental policy

Astutely and with convincing arguments, Hans-Werner Sinn describes the “Green paradox”. Viewing the climate problem as an economist, the best-selling author examines the blind spots in an important debate.

It is not the European industrial states like Germany that can determine how quickly the earth warms up but rather the oil sheikhs. The belief that we can save the climate by consuming less energy is pure illusion. If the sheiks do not cut back the flow of oil, our energy saving will only lower the price of oil on the world market. This will please the Americans and Chinese who will burn exactly the same oil that we have saved. And worse things could also happen. If the oil sheikhs feel threatened by Green policies and fear falling prices, they will extract their oil more rapidly – with the effect that the earth will warm up even faster.


Das grüne Paradoxon. Plädoyer für eine illusionsfreie Klimapolitik 

Hans-Werner Sinn 

Econ: Berlin, 2008, 480 p, cloth. 

ISBN-13: 9783430200622, 24,90 €.

Paperback: Updated version, Ullstein, 1st edition, March 2012, 576 p. 

ISBN: 978-3-548-37396-6, 16,99 €.

Order via www.amazon.de


“Das grüne Paradoxon”, Cicero, 27.10.2008, No. 11/2008, p. 74-78.

Ifo Press Release

Lecture series (in German) November and December 2009

Organizer: Bavarian Radio, BRalpha, Ifo Institute, Munich, University of Munich

Venue: Ifo Institute, Poschingerstrasse 5, 81679 Munich, Ludwig Erhard Room

Conference Information (in German)

Klimaschutz am Scheideweg - Welche Strategien führen ans Ziel?Klimaschutz am Scheideweg - Welche Strategien führen ans Ziel?, TV-Beitrag, Phoenix, Klimaschutz, 29.11.2010 (Video).

Sieben Dinothesen: Eine Antwort des Dinosauriers auf die Preisverleihung durch den Bund für Naturschutz

Veranstalter: Eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des ifo Instituts und des NABU

Testimonials (in German)

„Das grüne Paradoxon. Plädoyer für eine illusionsfreie Klimapolitik“ by Hans-Werner Sinn... read on

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