Refereed scientific monographs
The Economics of Target Balances: From Lehman to Corona, Palgrave Macmillan, London, November 2020, 159 pages.
The Euro Trap. On Bursting Bubbles, Budgets and Beliefs, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2014, 416 pages. Korean edition, Hantee Media Publishing, Seoul, Korea, 2015.
The Green Paradox, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2012, 288 pages. (Revised and updated translation of Das grüne Paradoxon).
Casino Capitalism. How the Financial Crisis Came about and What Needs to Be Done Now, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, 400 pages, second edition (Paperback) 2012. Korean edition, Ecopia, Korea, 2010, 421 pages. (Revised and updated translation of Kasino-Kapitalismus).
Can Germany be Saved? The Malaise of the World’s First Welfare State, MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass., 2007, 356 pages. (Revised and updated translation of Ist Deutschland noch zu retten?).
The New Systems Competition, Yrjö Jahnsson Lectures, Basil Blackwell: Oxford 2003, 228 pages. One hardback, one paperback edition.
Jumpstart. The Economic Unification of Germany, MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass., and London 1992, 238 pages, with Gerlinde Sinn. (Revised translation of Kaltstart). Second English edition: MIT Press, 1993. Korean, French and Russian editions 1994. Chinese edition 2012.
Capital Income Taxation and Resource Allocation, North Holland: Amsterdam etc. 1987, 411 pages. (Translation of Kapitaleinkommensbesteuerung, Mohr: Tübingen 1985).
Economic Decisions under Uncertainty, North Holland: Amsterdam, New York und Oxford 1983, 359 pages. (Translation of Ökonomische Entscheidungen bei Ungewißheit). Second English edition: Physica: Heidelberg 1989.
Non-refereed scientific monographs
Redesigning the Welfare State: Germany’s Current Agenda for an Activating Social Assistance (together with Martin Werding et al.), Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK; Northhampton, USA, 2006, 204 pages.
The German State Banks. Global Players in the International Financial Markets, Edward Elgar: Aldershot, 1999, 140 pages. (English translation of Der Staat im Bankwesen....)
Smaller, non-refereed scientific monographs
"The Greek Tragedy", CESifo Forum 16 Special Issue 2015 (June), 2015, pp. 5-35; (Download, 1.4 MB).
"Rescuing Europe", CESifo Forum 11 (Special Issue August 2010), 2010, pp. 1-22; (Download, 3.77 MB).
"The Welfare State and the Forces of Globalization", Zelle Jijlstra Lecture 5, Wassenaar 2006, pp. 20; CESifo Working Paper No. 1925, 2007; (Download, 140 KB); NBER Working Paper No. w12946, March 2007.
"The Sick Man of Europe: Diagnosis and Therapy of a Kathedersozialist", Stiftung Schloß Neuhardenberg, Ifo Institute: Munich 2003; German version: Deutsche Rede: Der kranke Mann Europas: Diagnose und Therapie eines Kathedersozialisten; (Download, 511 KB).
"The Laggard of Europe", CESifo Forum Vol. 4 (Special Issue No. 1), CESifo Forum 4 (Special issue No. 1), ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich, 2003, pp. 1-32; (Download, 4.42 MB).
"EU Enlargement and Labour Mobility - Consequences for Labour Markets and Redistribution by the State in Germany", (with Gebhard Flaig, Martin Werding, Sonja Munz, Nicola Düll and Herbert Hofmann), CESifo Research Reports 2, ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 2003; (Download, 670 KB).
"Welfare to Work in Germany - A Proposal on How to Promote Employment and Growth", (with Christian Holzner, Wolfgang Meister, Wolfgang Ochel and Martin Werding), CESifo Research Reports 1, ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, 2003; (Download, 565 KB).
Popular scientific monographs
Food for Thought: 100 Theses from the Ifo Institute, Ifo Institute: Munich 2009, 282 pages.
Risk Taking, Limited Liability, and the Banking Crisis, Selected Reprints, Ifo Institute: Munich 2009, 200 pages.
Co-authored Committee Reports
The EEAG Report on the European Economy, European Economic Advisory Group at CESifo (with co-authors), CESifo: Munich, fifteen volumes, 2001–2016, introduction and co-authorship respectively.
EU Enlargement and Labour Mobility – Consequences for Labour Markets and Redistribution by the State in Germany, Ifo Institute: Munich 2003 (translation of “EU-Erweiterung und Arbeitskräftemigration”).
Making Sense of Subsidiarity: How Much Centralization for Europe? (together with D. Begg, J. Crémer et al.), CEPR: London 1993, 165 pages (Italian edition 1995).
Various reports of the Council of Economic Advisors, Ministry of Economics, Germany (since 1989).