Newspaper Interviews and Discussions

Without German Contributions

"L'Allemagne reconsidérera probablement sa politique nucléaire à partir de 2025", L'Express, April 27th, 2024.

"We should not destroy all our options", Venture Capital, November 15th, 2022, No. 11/2022, p. 11.

"Il n'est plus possible d'aider les gens sans alimenter l'inflation", l'Echo, August 25th, 2022.

“Europa is een doodlopende weg ingeslagen”, Elsevier Weekblad, June 23rd, 2018, p. 12. (Interview in Dutch)

"Hans-Werner Sinn to 'N': Τhe agreement between Greece and its creditors will lead to a new "debt spiral",, June 1st, 2016.

"A Pop-Star Economist Leaves the Stage", Handelsblatt Global Edition Magazine, March 29th, 2016.

"Hans-Werner Sinn: Źle się dzieje w państwie europejskim"Gazeta Wyborcza, January 2nd, 2016.

"Sinn: Bankructwo Grecji byłoby lepszym rozwiązaniem niż jej ratowanie. Kryzys powróci"Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, December 29th, 2015.

"Niemcom słabe euro nie pomaga"Rzeczpospolita, December 28th, 2015.

"Strefa euro powinna uniknąć błędów USA z XVIII i XIX w. - Sinn, Ifo (wywiad)"Polish Press Agency (PAP), December 2nd, 2015.

"Il n'y aura pas de nouveau cycle de croissance tant que nous n'aurons pas débarrasseé l'économie des enterprises non compétitives"Échanges Internationaux - Magazine du Comité Francais de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale, No. 104, December 2015, p. 14.

"그리스 연명할 돈 계속 주면 안 돼 ... 어려워야 개혁 가능", JoongAng Ilbo, July 14th, 2015, p. 8.

"Sans l’euro, le pays serait déjà remis sur les rails", Le Soir, July 4/5th, 2015, p. 27.

"Sans l’euro, le pays serait déjà remis sur les rails"Tribune de Gené, July 3rd, 2015.

"Niemcy na euro stracili, ale i tak muszą je ratować", Parkiet, April 13th, 2015, p. 10.

"Grčija bi se z drahmo veliko lažje prilagodila",, March 29th, 2015. 

"Huippuekonomisti Suomesta: Velkaelvyttäminen kuin vahvaa kahvia",, March 26th, 2015. 

"Razgovor s ekonomistom koji će Karamarku skrojiti gospodarski program",, March 1st, 2015. 

"A legjobb békepolitika a kereskedelem", Figyelő, No. 2015/12, February 2015.

"Abandonar o euro seria bom para a Grécia"Exame, February 24th, 2015, p. 114.

"Europe should follow Irish example on austerity, says economist", RTE, January 23rd, 2015.

"転換の経済性に疑義" (Doubts in the Profitability of Energy Transition), Interview with Hans-Werner Sinn, Denki Shimbun; also publisehd in The Electric Daily News, December 3rd, 2014, p. 1.

"Le verdict de l’économiste le plus écouté d’Allemagne", Le Point, October 23rd, 2014, p. 44-46.

"Les obsessions d’Eurofighter", Challenges, October 9th, 2014, No. 404, p. 46.

"Hans-Werner Sinn: La politique de la BCE encourage les États à s’endetter toujours plus",, October 7th, 2014.

"Sinn: L’euro a conduit le sud de l’Europe au naufrage",, October 7th, 2014.

"Quand l'économiste le plus populaire d'Allemagne fustige la France",, September 30th, 2014.

"EU unemployment scheme - Brussels's controversial plan for the euro", dpa platform, September 23rd, 2014.

"Devia haver saídas temporárias de euro", Expresso, July 19th, 2014, No. 2177, p. 12 (also published as "We Need a Debt Moratorium for the Euro Zone Crisis Debt Countries",, July 21st, 2014).

"Ifo’s Sinn Urges Debt Writedown to End Southern Europe’s Crisis", Bloomberg, July 6th, 2014 (also published in German as "ifo-Chef Hans-Werner Sinn fordert teilweisen Schuldenerlass für Südländer", Bloomberg Brief Deutschland, July 7th, 2014).

"Duitse Topeconoom Sinn Hekelt Optreden Draghi", De Telegraaf, May 14th, 2014, No. 39536, p. 25.

"The German Current Account Surplus is the Result of the Rescue Operations", Crash, March 7th, 2014, pp. 25-30.

"Euro teď nepřijímejte, počkejte na konec krize", ekonom, December 12th, 2013, No. 50, p. 12-14.

"Deflace by zadlužené a konkurenčně slabé jižní Evropě prospěla. ECB to nechápe", Hospodarske noviny, November 26th, 2013, p. 7.

"What the Troika Demands is Impossible", Real News, November 17th, 2013, p. 6.

"J´ai de gros soucis pour le tandem franco-allemand", Les Echos, November 12th, 2013.

"Don't borrow, but safe", Mongolian Economy, October 1st, 2013, p. 10-12.

"Cameron is right over EU restructuring, says German economist", WalesOnline, June 19th, 2013.

"ILa cura per gli italiani? Austerity e salari più bassi", Linkiesta Online, June 1st, 2013.

"Bail-in van Cypriotische banken is het juiste signaal", Opinieblad voor Beslissers - ondernemen, Maandblad VKW, May, 2013, No. 3, p. 12.

"Is the EMU sustainable in its current form?", Goldman Sachs - Economics, Commodities and Strategy Research, May 16th, 2013, No. 2,
p. 8.

"Euro exit could benefit Germany says Hans-Werner Sinn", Irish Times online, May 7th, 2013.

"Anderen geven de patiënt pijnstillers, ik bied het medicijn aan", Doorbraak - meer dan een mening, May 2013, p. 16.

"I tedeschi hanno paura degli aiuti Bce", Il Sole24Ore, March 9th, 2013, N0. 67, p. 6.

"Si Grècia continua dins de l'euro acabarà en guerra civil", La Vanguardia, March 3th, 2013, p. 88.

"Um bloco mais coeso e forte na Europa", Exame (PT), December 5th, 2012, p. 10.

"Tyskland i krisen: Euroen er skyld i de største spændinger i Vesteuropa siden anden verdenskrig", RÆSON Online, October 9th, 2012.

"The wages of Sinn"IPE Magazine online, July 3rd, 2012.

"Inevitable austerity", arcVision, July 1st, 2012.

"Quando il verde non basta", Tempi, May 30th, 2012, No. 21, p. 22.

"De Grauwe heeft de pijnstiller, maar ik heb het medicijn", De Tijd, May 26th, 2012, p. 8.

"Gaining currency - fatal-flaw theories about the euro zone", The National, May 24th, 2012.

"We hadden met de euro moeten leren van de fouten die de VS in 200 jaar maakten", Het Financieele Dagblad, May 24th, 2012, No. 124, p. 5.

"Merkel moet meer zijn zoals Thatcher",, May 23rd, 2012.

"L’argent européen enfonce les pays dans la crise",, April 19th, 2012; also published in Commentaire 2012/2 (No. 138), p. 569.

"Do eurozény nechodte", Lidove Noviny, February 18th, 2012.

"Hans-Werner Sinn im Interview" (An Interview with Hans-Werner Sinn), To Vima, November 28th, 2011.

"L’Union européenne ne fait que retarder l’inévitable. Elle n’est pas courageuse" (The European Union is only postponing the inevitable. It shows no courage), Le Temps, November 26th, 2011.

"L'histoire risque de mal se terminer" (The Story Could End Badly),, November 23rd, 2011.

"SAUVER L'EUROPE DE LA FAILLITE", Politique Internationale, October 1st, 2011, No. 133, p. 111.

"La Bce non può acquistare bond. Lo vietano i trattati di Maastricht" (The ECB cannot buy bonds. The Maastricht Treaty forbids this),, September 19th, 2011.

"Si la politique de la BCE continue, nous nous dirigeons vers un conflit au sein de la zone euro" (If the policy of the ECB continues, we are heading for a conflict within the euro area), La Tribune, September 12th, 2011, p. 3.

"Sortir de l’euro permettrait à la Grèce de repartir" (Leaving the Euro Would Allow Greece to have a New Start),, July 15th, 2011.

"Ifo-instituutin Sinn: Kreikka ulos eurosta väliaikaisesti"Kauppalehti, June 13th, 2011, p. 10–11.

"Jeszcze poczekajcie", Polityka, May 25th, 2011, No. 22, p. 42-43.

"Grecjo, zaciśnij pasa. Polsko – nie wchodź teraz do strefy euro" (Belt-tightening in Greece. Poland now not Likely to Join Euro Area),, May 23rd, 2011.

"Para impedir uma catástrofe, os países do Sul têm de reduzir a dívida de forma radical", Diário Económico, March 21st, 2011, No. 5138, p. 14.

"We zakken weg in een moeras van schulden" (What would your main message for the heads of state be?), Het Financieele Dagblad, February 4th, 2011, No. 29, p. 5.

"Je kann de strijdtegen demarktennooit winnen", De TIJD, December 18th, 2010, p. 20-21.

"Alemania era la tortuga europea y se ha convertido en la gacela" (Germany was the European Turtle and Has Now Become its Gazelle), La Vanguardia, December 5th, 2010, p. 6.

"Die Amerikaner müssen aus ihrem 'American Dream' aufwachen" (Americans Need to Awake from their "American Dream"), Chosun, November 7th, 2010, No. 27967, p. C1-C2.

"Werner Sinn: 'The welfare state is not a gift'",, November 15th, 2010.

"Portugal 'é forte o suficiente' para pagar as suas dívidas" (Portugal is strong enough to pay its debts), Negocios 1880/XII, November 15th, 2010, pp. 26-27.

"Pourquoi l’Allemagne reste la locomotive de l’Europe"L'Echo, October 25th, 2010, p. 3.

"Why Germany Is Going to Prevail", September 30th, 2010.

"Counterbalance The Crisis With Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects", Abertis, February 1st, 2009, No. 16, p. 18-21.

"Empieza un nuevo régimen mundial", El País, November 23rd, 2008.

"Duitzland zal hard worden getroffen", NRC Handelsblad, November 8th, 2008, p. 16.

"The Crises Has Not Ended Yet", Figyelö, June 19th-25th, 2008, p. 21.

"We can`t stop prices", Gazeta Wyborcza, April 23rd, 2008.

“Ifo Cuts German 2008 Growth Forecast”, Reuters, February 19th, 2008.

"Hans-Werner Sinn, destacado economista alemán: 'Estado debe eliminar el salario mínimo'", El Mercurio, January 6th, 2008, p. C4.

"De duitse lonen moeten omlaag", FEM Business, November 26th, 2005, pp. 33-34.

"La part des biens réellement produite en Allemagne se réduit fortement", La Tribune, May 26th, 2005, p. 35.

"Da Roma trucchi squallidi ma non siete i soli a farli", La Repubblica, December 6th, 2004.

"Bisogna puntare sull’aumento della produttività", La Stampa, March 28th, 2004, p. 24.

"Laat migranten komen, maar geef ze geen huursubsidie", Het Financieele Dagblad, December 10th, 2003, p. 4.

"La Germania è ripartita", Il Sole-24 Ore, December 4th, 2003, p. 5.

"La corsa del supereuro e il rebus della crescita", Corriere della Sera, November 30th, 2003, p. 11.

"Ci vorrebbe una Frau Thatcher", Corriere della Sera, November 3rd, 2003, p. 12.

"Should EU Immigrants Have Full Access to the Welfare State?", CESifo Online Live Discussion with Tito Boeri, July 2nd, 2003.

"Sinn: gli Usa sbagliano a minacciare ritorsioni", La Stampa, February 17th, 2003, No. 47, p. 17.

"L`euro? Lo svaluta il crimine", Panorama, May 10th, 2001.

"Ma è una riforma annacquata", Il Sole 24 ORE, January 27th, 2001.