Newspaper Articles
"Retirement of Hans-Werner Sinn", CESifo Forum 17, May 2016, special issue.
Newspaper Interviews
"A Pop-Star Economist Leaves the Stage", Handelsblatt Global Edition Magazine, March 29th, 2016.
Alexander Kaspar: „Not against the Laws of Economics“,, January 26th, 2016.
Festschrift in Honor of Hans-Werner Sinn on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
On the occasion of his 70th birthday a commemorative publication was published in FinanzArchiv 74 (1), März 2018.
Papers included:
Kai A. Konrad, Ronnie Schöb, Marcel Thum, Alfons J. Weichenrieder
"Editorial Note"
Michael Keen
"Bank Taxes, Bailouts and Financial Crises"
Robin Boadway, Motohiro Sato, Jean-François Tremblay:
"Natural Resource Extraction in a Federation"
Frederick van der Ploeg
"Breakthrough Renewables and the Green Paradox"
Peter Birch Sørensen
"From the Linear Economy to the Circular Economy: A Basic Model"
Justina Klimaviciute, Pierre Pestieau
"Social Insurance for Long-Term Care with Deductible and Linear Contributions"
Manuel Flores, Barbara Wolfe
"Ties between Health Policy, Early Health Problems, and Lifetime Earnings"
Joel Slemrod, William C. Boning
"Real Firms in Tax Systems"
Robert Haveman, Kathryn Wilson
"Toward Understanding the Relationship of Temporal Changes in Demographic Structure to Changes in U.S. Poverty"
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka
"Migration-Induced Redistribution with and without Migrants' Voting"