Hans-Werner Sinn supports the petition for Exit of Brexit: A "New Deal“ with Great Britain and a better future for the EU
The undersigned are deeply concerned about the economic and political impact Brexit will have on Britain and the EU. We appeal to all responsible politicians, business people and citizens: Help us to avert Brexit. Sign the petition
“Germany’s Götterdämmerung”
Hans-Werner Sinn welcomes the prospect of a minority goverment, especially if genuine public debate returns to the Bundestag Read more
“Buffering Volatility: A Study on the Limits of Germany's Energy Revolution”
Based on German hourly feed-in and consumption data for electric power, this paper studies the storage and buffering needs resulting from the volatility of wind and solar energy.Read more
“How Macron Can Unite Europe”
Creating a fiscal union without a political union would forever block the road to European unification.Read more
“What Marx Means Today”
This article argues that part of the new stagnation does not result from a natural exhaustion of investment possibilities, but from an overly loose central bank monetary policy that keeps zombie banks and their zombie clients alive and blocks the emergencRead more
“A two-speed post-Brexit Europe is best avoided”
EU member states should focus on striking a free-trade deal with Britain.Read more
“President Trump’s Necessary German Lessons”
US President Donald Trump has criticized Germany’s enormous current-account surplus, which he considers the result of German currency manipulation. But the president is wrong.Read more
“Why the EU Must Be Generous to Britain”
British Prime Minister Theresa May has confirmed it. The United Kingdom will, without a doubt, leave the European Union and negotiate new trade agreements. The question is what kind of agreement the EU will accept.Read more