Econ: Munich 2003, 496 pages; 8 hardcover editions; 1st to 4th paperback edition: Ullstein: Berlin since 2005; audiobook, Radioropa, 2005; Korean edition: Kachi Publishing, 2007.
Taxes keep rising, the pension and health insurance systems are ailing. More and more companies are going bankrupt or are leaving the country. Unemployment has reached alarming levels. Germany is outperformed by its neighbours. It’s growth rates are in the cellar, and it can’t keep up with Austria, the Netherlands, Britain or France. Germany has become the sick man of Europe.
Hans-Werner Sinn, one of Germany’s top economists, analyses the causes of Germany’s decline and offers a “6+1” programme of measures to return Germany to the ranks of successful economies.
Ist Deutschland noch zu retten?
by Hans-Werner Sinn
Econ / Ullstein Buchverlage: München/Berlin 2003 to 2005, 579 p.
8th edition 2004 (CLOTH)
ISBN 3-430-18533-5, 25,00 €
4th edition 2005
ISBN 3-548-36711-9, 13,00 €
13 Audio-CDs, 1 Bonus-CD (mp3 format), approximately 15:30 hrs.
Speaker: Ari Gosch
Publisher: TechniSat Digital; edition: 1 (May 2006)
Language: German
ISBN 3939048119, 19,90 €
Order via www.amazon.de or www.hugendubel.de
Ifo Press Release (in German)
„Sind wir noch zu retten?“, stern, 02.10.2003, p. 78.
TV Lectures
Can Germany Still be Saved? - Theses on the Future of the Republic, Information page
Book Prizes in 2004 and 2003
CORINE 2004 International Book Prize in Economics
FTD's economic book prize 2003
Book reviews and reactions on the book (in German)
Additional and more detailed Information (in German)
"Wie Deutschland zu retten wäre"
Anmerkung zur siebten Auflage
Anmerkung zur sechsten Auflage
Korrigenda (PDF, 38 KB) für die 1. und 2. Auflage
Expertenstreit mit Prof. Hickel